About Dale Nunns

I live in Cape Town, South Africa with my awesome wife and cute cat Domino. I'm a software developer, hardware hacker, some time cook, wannabe writer, chief bottle washer and tamer of dust bunnies.

SQL – Find all triggers in a MS SQL database.

This script will find all the triggers in a Microsoft SQL database, its come in handy when I’ve been trying to work out where in the system people have tied there code into. I’m not a huge fan of triggers as they tend to make things behave unpredictably, its even worse if you don’t know there is a trigger or where it is.

SELECT S2.[name] TableName, S1.[name] TriggerName, 
WHEN S2.deltrig = s1.id  THEN 'Delete' 
WHEN S2.instrig = s1.id THEN 'Insert' 
WHEN S2.updtrig = s1.id THEN 'Update' 
END 'TriggerType' , 'S1',s1.*,'S2',s2.*
FROM sysobjects S1 JOIN sysobjects S2 ON S1.parent_obj = S2.[id] WHERE S1.xtype='TR'

Found this little script on this site.

Nokia OVI is awesome…

Nokia OVI is awesome.

Sorry just had to say that, after the wedding I needed a place to upload photo’s… Flickr’s free offering unfortunately has a limit and so does Picasa (Google’s offering) but while I was playing around on my Nokia N78 I found OVI. It doesn’t appear to have a limit and comes with features that allow you embed a little flash applet that has the photo’s in it.

You’ll see them on the Honeymoon page on our wedding website. One of the other cool features is that I can Sync my phone’s calendar, address book, notes and other items on my phone with the OVI website which is an awesome feature, it allows me to maintain the address book and calendar on any PC which is very nice and means that I have a backup of my contacts if I ever loose my phone.

You can also take photo’s and upload straight to the OVI website the same as with the Flickr integration.

If you have a recent Nokia phone I highly reccomend that you go and look at the OVI website.

I’m married!!!!

Claire and I getting married.Yes thats right… I’m married…

It all happened on the 21st November 2009 at about 4:15pm, as we sort through all the photo’s we’ll be posting them on the wedding website, so far I’ve only uploaded the photo’s from the Honeymoon as those were a lot simpler to sort out.

Time is running out…

Time is running out as our wedding fast approaches, its only 9 more days till the big day. Friends, family and future family have started arriving, I still haven’t finished everything I’m supposed to do and my day job is starting to get in the way, but I need some way to pay for the honeymoon.

I’m still trying to finish writing my speech and try not insult the future in-laws, my parents or any family and guests…

FNB Online Banking – Still Down :-(

Any FNB customers out there? I’m sure you’ve noticed that their online banking is still down… I first checked it yesterday around 9am and it was down and still down now, 24 hours later. After doing more reading up I see its actually been down since Sunday’s scheduled maintenance.

**Just a quick update it appears that debit cards were also affected by the downtime.

**Another update you can follow this twitter (@rbjacobs) feed to get live updates on the status of the FNB banking site.

They’ve got a little link telling you to use Cell phone banking, but of course I can’t remember my cell phone banking pin.

You can find more info on the My Broadband forums and on this news item from MyBroadband.

I wonder if FNB will be paying out for lost interest or bounced debit orders etc because of the site being down and people unable to transfer money? I know I can go to a bank, but are they going to pay the fees associated with doing banking at a real bank?

Shadow Caddy

As an ex-golfer and gadget/robot freak I have to admit this is rather a cool idea. The Shadow Caddy is a sort of “robotic” vehicle that you put your golf clubs on and it follows you around the golf course.


I’m not sure how good it is and how well it copes with the often rough terrain of golf courses, in particular if you’re like me and spend most of your time in the rough on the course. The upside is that you don’t have to drag a cart around or carry a bag and you won’t have to listen to snide remarks from your wife caddy when you hit a bad shot, the downside is that you don’t get the info and insight of a good local caddy about club selection etc and its not capable of helping you find your ball when you hit it in the really thick stuff.

F-4 Ejection seat office chair.

F-4 Ejection Seat

I stumbled across this awesome chair made out of an F-4 Ejection seat, the same site has a few other chairs made out of other ejection seats too. I wonder comfortable and ergonomic the chair actually is? It wasn’t designed for people sitting at a desk all day, but I have to admit having a chair like that would at least bring a smile to my face everytime I looked at it.