About Dale Nunns

I live in Cape Town, South Africa with my awesome wife and cute cat Domino. I'm a software developer, hardware hacker, some time cook, wannabe writer, chief bottle washer and tamer of dust bunnies.

Bookmarks for April 21st through April 23rd

These are my links for April 21st through April 23rd:

Bookmarks for April 6th through April 12th

These are my links for April 6th through April 12th:

Bookmarks for March 30th through April 2nd

These are my links for March 30th through April 2nd:

Bookmarks for March 29th through March 30th

These are my links for March 29th through March 30th:

PayPal now in SA

If you’re a South African FNB online banking customer then you probably already know this, if not you can read more about it here on FNB’s Website. This is particularly cool for people who want to sell goods and services overseas.

Obviously there is is a lot of “legal red tape” and hoops you’ll need to jump through, in particular with SARS (South Africa Revenue Service) and the South Africa Reserve Bank, but who cares SA has now finally got PayPal.

Now to come up with some new cool service that I can receive millions of dollars for. I wonder how many people are going to switch to FNB because of this service?

For More info
Simple FAQ on FNB’s website
PayPal website info.

Bookmarks for March 29th from 13:50 to 14:00

These are my links for March 29th from 13:50 to 14:00:

Bookmarks for March 26th through March 29th

These are my links for March 26th through March 29th: