Remote access to a DSL-2750U ADSL Router (a sort-of hack)

Usually I use a SSH connection forwarded through my ADSL router to one of my home servers for remote access to my network. The server in question though had become un-responsive so I had no way remotely into my network.

For fun I nmap’d the public IP of my ADSL router and found the following interesting port open:

80/tcp   open   http

I thought I had switched off all the “remote” control methods on my router but clearly not, visiting the page gave me the following (scary) login screen. Continue reading

Bookmarks for April 27th through May 7th

These are my links for April 27th through May 7th:

Bookmarks for March 30th through April 2nd

These are my links for March 30th through April 2nd:

Bookmarks for March 29th from 13:50 to 14:00

These are my links for March 29th from 13:50 to 14:00:

Bookmarks for March 26th through March 29th

These are my links for March 26th through March 29th:

Hacking an Eveready Radio

My wife has a cheap Eveready radio that she bought to listen to Gareth Cliff on 5fm in the mornings in the office. The radio isn’t anything fancy, its a basic radio with a little digital clock on it.

The biggest problem with this radio is that it appears that the battery only lasts a few weeks and they cost R 25.00 a battery… the radio was only about R 45.00 (it didn’t come with a battery though).?The conspiracy theorists in me says the reason it goes through batteries so quickly is because its made (or at least branded by) a battery company.


Yesterday the battery started to die and the wife wanted me to buy another battery for it… Thats when I had a light bulb moment (to quote Oprah) and decided instead of buying another battery I would hack the radio to run off the mains power.

I got approval from the Wife for this project, although it couldn’t cost more than the battery or a new radio.

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